To be fully free, every woman must learn to be by herself.
At some point over the course of the average American woman's life, she will find herself alone, whether she is divorced, widowed, single, or in a loveless, isolating relationship. And when that time comes, it is likely that she will be at a loss as to how to handle it. As a society, we have an unspoken but omnipresent belief that a woman alone is an outcast, inherently flawed in some way. In this invigorating,
supportive book, psychotherapist Florence Falk aims to take the fear,
doubt, confusion, and helplessness out of being a woman alone. Falk
invites all women to find their own paths toward an authentic selfhood,
to discover the pleasures and riches of solitude, and to reconnect with
others through a newfound sense of self-confidence.
And as Falk demonstrates, once a woman has discovered the richness of solitude, she is not likely to give it up so easily.
pub date: 2008-03-25 | paperback | 9781400098118 |